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Awarding a WOW! can motivate a child

The middle of the week at Christel House Jamaica is an opportunity to celebrate student achievements, like Michael B. (above). WOW! Wednesday features music and songs as children are recognized in front of their classmates. "It's important for students to be encouraged for their efforts," says Allison Smith, Vice-Principal. “It helps boost their self-esteem and confidence, promotes positive behaviours, and fosters a growth mindset.” The children appreciate the attention according to Lorraine Alexander, kindergarten assistant teacher. “When a student receives a WOW! Award, they display a level of pride, such as ‘look at me, I did this!’ They are boosted by the fact they are being celebrated,” she says.  “The students are amazed, excited, and overjoyed.” Youngsters are recognized for a variety of behaviors such as turning in schoolwork on time, displaying good character discipline, and for keeping their uniform shirt tucked in. The WOW! is a powerful yet simple motivation tool for teachers and staff to award children as young as five-years-old. The WOW! also sets a positive example for classmates. “It helps motivate other students to display positive behavior so that they may be awarded as well,” says Alexander. “Every child is given a chance to become a better individual while being in a safe environment to work, study, and play.”

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