Getting Dirty in STEAM

Girls doing science experiment

Grade 6 students got their hands dirty in the name of STEAM education. Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math were on full display as they observed different types of soil and documented how they react to water. The students explored soil types, where they might be found and the usefulness of each to our environment.

Their favourite soil type was clay, along with garden soil. They used the garden soil to plant and attempted to make pottery and other designs with the clay. While exploring the soil, the students engaged in conversation surrounding living and non-living things and their importance to our environment.

The icing on the cake was a field trip to Lydford Mining in St. Ann.

Students learned about the importance of soils, the different types of soil, and the process it goes through before it is sold to consumers. Who knew calcium was used to make toothpaste, chalk, blocks and more?

They got the opportunity to see firsthand consumers purchasing soil by weighing the truck on the scale first, then re-weighing with the soil loaded to accurately determine the amount of soil sold. This process prompted students to engage in mathematical problems and critical thinking.

“It was so important for them to see the process firsthand, and to have the visuals engraved in their memory,” says Grade 6 Teacher Amoy Farquharson who is excited to see her students discovering a love of science.