High School Construction Begins

Six representatives from Christel House prepare to dig

In 2025, all eyes will be on our first cohort of students who will be preparing to transition to high school in the 2025/26 academic year. We’re getting ready for them, by starting construction on the two-story building that will be their new home from Grade 7 through Grade 13

We officially broke ground on the Senior School May 1. The Government officials who participated in the groundbreaking ceremony were just as excited as our students and staff. In her remarks, Education Minister Fayval Williams said, “Your decision to invest in Jamaica speaks volumes about your belief in our nation’s potential, and your dedication to making a meaningful difference in the lives of our youth is appreciated.”

Our new High School will feature computer and science labs, as well as an elevator for students with disabilities.

Our program will offer CXC, City & Guilds, CAPE and Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs) which are a requirement for students who plan to study overseas. “It’s important for our students to have a well-rounded education, including a trade, and access to SATs, which they would not readily have access to, in another institution,” explains Jason Scott, Executive Principal. “We will also work in collaboration with HEART Trust/NSTA to maximize their exposure.”

Our sister schools have worked in close partnership with businesses to provide mentorship and internship opportunities for high school students. High School is just the second phase in our model, which includes up to 5 years of college and career counselling after graduation. We intend to follow their lead, giving our students every opportunity to identify and realize their goals, dreams and human potential.