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Wha Gwaan? We're Moving On Up!

Our Grade 3 students performing at, or above grade level, on diagnostic exams, increased by almost 20% in numeracy and literacy in the 2022/23 academic year. We saw a further increase of more than 6% in both numeracy and literacy in the 2023/24 school year.

In addition, the number of students reading at, or above grade level in our schoolwide Informal Diagnostic Reading Inventory (IDRI) has increased by 45% in just two years! 

How did we do it? In 2022, we recognized that we had serious work to do with our literacy and numeracy scores and took action.

We hired Literacy Specialist, Tina Brown and Numeracy Specialist, Zaphron Kelly, who studied the data, and used their experience and expertise to develop and implement intervention plans.

These plans included school-wide numeracy and literacy blocks, pull-out sessions, and targeted coaching for teachers. We also implemented a summer reading program with students who needed the greatest support.

Ms. Brown is now Vice Principal of Academics and says the focus for the coming year is to “continue building on the successes of our literacy and numeracy initiatives while expanding support for both students and teachers. "Our goal is to ensure that every student, regardless of their starting point, has access to the resources and support they need to succeed," says Ms. Brown.

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